Tuesday, August 31, 2021

I came for my personals


 Knowing what I know … what we need is awareness we can’t get careless’.

-Public Enemy – Fight the Power

I don’t see how he can ever finish, if he doesn’t begin’.


'Let’s turn on the juice and see what shakes loose’.


Anonymous Monetarist

Anonymous Monetarist

Anonymous Monetarist



> Hello Cyberspace.

Let me dust off the hoot and holler ...

Hello, I am a raconteur. I have been a raconteur for a time, am once more for a bit, and perhaps then for the last time.

For now, just a fast one...


The kid was slick, will give him that.

I let him grab a chair for thirty minutes because his cold call pitch was tik-tok clinic.

‘Listen – it’s churn, run rate, factor cost and boom you scale’, he said, with his gold cuffs exposed and his teeth extended.

It was 99, we were coming up on Y2K, and all my folks in telecom were going to end up owning islands.

The young, suited, shark explained that my company could be valued on monthly run rate less churn times the factor from his billing/finance alliance that was ‘deploying funds’ to scale to the moon.

With a personal guarantee, my skin in the game, they would factor my receivables, and group me with other growing subnetworks around the nation to scale and then bail.

That moment, another in midtown Manhattan with my bond securitization team backstabbing my sponsor so I could replace him, and a few others that I will keep to my inner monologue… represent my personal fractal. Hint … I said hell no.

Fractals are kind of cool. They are self-similar on all scales. They suggest a rules based, deterministic system.

As an illustration …

Do you know a successful trader? If u do then they will tell you that they know a pattern. That is, they recognize a fractal. Fun part is that, by far, the majority of them do not recognize that it is a fractal.

Will give you the TLDR in a second; however if you would like to deep dive, search Mandelbrot on my blog or the intertubes. He was an extraordinarily interesting fella.

A fractal is self-similar on all scales. Mandelbrot coined the term.

Our erstwhile trader, although they preach some garbled version of random walk theory, albeit they recognize that the markets consist of millions of individual decisions, many by silicon proxy, has some pattern or some hook that they keep very close to their vest. That pattern or hook is a fractal and you may confirm that by hearing the trader describe how they are trading the same ‘thing’ on different charts (i.e., hourly, daily). Self-similar on all scales the fractal is.

The more advanced student will trade on charts where the time period itself is an important fractal.

The way the trader trades is entirely inconsistent with what they philosophically believe trading to be. It flies in the face of who they perceive themselves to be. But rules are rules!

Mandelbrot was asked by his credentialed colleagues why, given his robust intellect, he toiled in such a pedestrian field as trying to model exactly why/how markets behave. To paraphrase his response, ‘the markets are the dataset of humanity’.

If Mandelbrot were alive today perhaps he would search for fractal relationships in the metadata of the socials or in the promise of blockchain supercomputers.

Most certainly, and I can attest that I know this to be true, he believed in the following fractal, ‘The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun’.

It was in fact an ‘executable of this source code’ that allowed me to play tour guide for the creator of a fractal trading theory and show him that his discovery could be used to avoid lines at the game day turnstiles of Wrigley Field.

Open your eyes Neo.

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